Tuesday 17 January 2012

Well I still hate U of A... but I'll try to be positive ; )

So I think after my last, very emotional, post I needed a little break from my blog but now the winter semester has started in ernest and although my motivation is flagging I will do my best to write regularly (and avoid run on sentences).

So recap of last semester:

My final grades were actually pretty awesome (compared to my previous 3.1 GPA).

Art History 301 - Ancient Chinese Painting : A (This was so dicy, I wasn't the best on the exams but luckily I'm good at term papers)
Eas 208 - Global Change : B+ (Still haven't seen my exam for this one, still upset, prof still on vacation) (I would recommend this class for learning about climate change except it's impossible to get a good mark so...)
Eas 205 - : A (Easy Science option with no lab, Prof Balzer is organized, interesting and fair)
Biol 381: A- (HARD to get a good mark. Route memorization of slides full of graphs. Interesting class but difficult testing system)

GPA for the semester: 3.75 rounded up to 3.8? So I'm pretty proud of that. Unfortunately, I tried so hard last semester that I have little to no energy left for this term. But after 5 long years, it is my LAST term at this hell hole so I will and must push through. I am not going to mess up my first semester for simply being tired and lazy and distracted.

Goals for this term:

Physics 124: B+  (Working with tutor due to natural lack of skills in all things math and direction related).
Bot 380 (Drug Plants): A
Biol 361 (Marine Science): A
Art H 309 (Sustainable Design): A

As far as vet stuff goes, over the holidays I volunteered with my own vet, who very kindly agreed to be my last minute reference because the vet that I used to volunteer with somehow dissapeared off the face of the planet. Also, another reference was on sabbatical in Sweden and stopped answering emails. (Lessons learned for other prevet students: Organize references several months in advance. Babysit references every step of the way until you are SURE that the vet school has received their letter.) I also organized for my transcripts to be sent from U of A to both vet schools. (Note: You can submit one form (pay once) for U of A to send in transcripts after Fall and Winter semesters. That was a nice surprise U of A.)

While at the small animal clinic, I saw a knee cap surgery on a pomeranian and did a lot of standing around trying not to feel awkward. Putting in my time I guess. I'm now trying to organize some large animal experience. Found this to be difficult. A clinic in Camerose is finally talking to me but timing is proving to be an issue. Why is it so hard to get experience in food animal vet med? I really would like to figure out the answer to this question.

I have been attempting to practice answering ethical questions in my car. It feels really weird to try to convince my car Trouble (and sometimes Raga) why I feel that it is unethical for myself as a vet to Euthanize dog X simply because his dead owner wanted him burried with him. I believe I will know if I get any interviews by the first week of March.

I feel that I have been quite committed to the application process so far, but I know that my heart isn't in it right now. I really have no plan B and I know that it isn't the end of the world but more and more I find myself thinking about it... I guess for me there is no real point in worrying about whether or not I actually want to go to vet school until I get offered a spot (true?). It is unsettleling when your path is totally uncertain. But I suppose there are only a few times in life when this is true. So maybe I should try to see this as exciting? I keep picturing a map that is blurry everywhere but in a small circle around me, and it only starts to clear as I walk forward. I guess that's OK. All I can say for now is I cannot wait to graduate and put this place behind me forever. : )